Start with your own personal business bot SmartConnect!

For some reason, not very many marketers are taking advantage of chatbots or Messenger for digital marketing, even though it has elite ROI.

Conversational marketing allows marketers to make Facebook ad bots, SMS bots, and native webchat bots in one place.

  • Chat messages have an open rate of 50-80% in the first hour
  • Facebook messages have a click-through rate of 20%
  • Facebook ads with chatbots have a conversion rate of 3x-5x higher than traditional Facebook ads
  • Facebook Messenger ad CPA costs 30x-50x less than other Facebook ad campaigns

Neil Patel

Customer communications via messaging is 10x more engaging than sending regular emails. Marketers are rapidly turning to conversational marketing to connect with customers on the most popular mobile chat application in the U.S., Facebook Messenger, used by over a billion people every day.

Next-gen chat is coming of age. It’s how you deploy bots in your business and how you leverage the limitless possibilities that will give you the edge. Siri is just a chat bot with voice recognition.

We’re at a stage business found itself in when email took over fax. Early adopters saw unprecedented results. The world has moved on and next-gen chat is the new email.

It’s time for us to acknowledge what’s happening in the world of business:

Customer communication is undergoing a massive shift.

If you’re still relying on old school digital marketing techniques, you’re probably seeing results dwindle.

The future of customer communication is chat marketing, and it’s time to jump on the bandwagon.

The global chatbot market is going to continue growing exponentially over the next few years.

It’s time to adopt chat automation for customer support, marketing, and sales.

Don’t believe me?

Here are some stats to inspire you…

Chat Automation Stats

Text Message Marketing Automation Stats

Artificial Intelligence Stats

Customer Service Stats

Time to Evolve

Your business is growing, and with it, the future of customer communication.

It’s time to evolve.

It’s time to evolve your business to connect with customers in the communication channels they’re already using.

It’s time to evolve your business while saving money with automated customer care.

It’s time to scale your business with record leads and revenue.

Meet your customers where they are.

Evolve your business to keep up and adopt chat marketing in the new year.

Important Next Steps