Here’s how to turbo-charge your lead generation systems for on and off-line marketing and how ‘Reverse-Selling’ can be extremely profitable for you.

The power of ‘Reverse-Selling’ is phenomenal – It this the concept upon which our first site lead generation FREEnetleads was built. Just to give you a taster of how successful reverse-selling can be, FREEnetleads enjoyed almost 500,000 unique visitors in its first month of operation – that’s visitors not hits!!!

And what makes that fact even more impressive is that we kicked it off with a mail shot of only 300 e-mails

I want to take some text from the old FREEnetleads site which clearly explains the concept of reverse-selling then I’ll tell you how we can make it work for your business:

It doesn’t matter how we conduct our lives, like it or not, we are ALL someone’s lead, either for the largest conglomerate in the land to the local supermarket. As soon as you request information, fill in a coupon or enter a competition, you become someone’s or some company’s lead. Each time you show interest in a product or service this shows that it must be something you would like to know more about, or even purchase. Every time you do, those organizations which can supply the items will present their wares in the hope that they can satisfy your demand.

It’s good old-fashioned business practice!!!

When you express an interest in a product you become a highly qualified lead – and if a company can supply just what you’re looking for, a sale is made and both parties go home smiling. A perfect WIN-WIN situation wouldn’t you agree?

As entrepreneurs, we too are constantly looking for the next business idea, the next business opportunity that will mean we can at last take things easy, retire those few years earlier or buy that holiday home in the sun.

So doesn’t it now make sense that anyone looking for business leads is also extremely likely to be that high-caliber entrepreneur looking for extra streams of income; doesn’t it make sense that other marketers may be interested in YOUR OPPORTUNITY.

And let’s not forget! As successful marketers be it online or offline, it’s our job to put our best marketing efforts in front of as many people each day and each week as we can.

Many strong businesses have been built by reverse selling. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve received advertising only to show the sender my opportunity and have them join.

This is the crux of the matter. Many marketers are busy promoting their opportunity but are also always on the lookout for something better!!!

Get on as many mailing lists as you can – each time you receive a promotion, have a reply drafted in your templates folder. Thank them for sending you their opportunity but explain that you are too busy with your business to consider anything else and send them some info.

I have recruited some excellent people this way.

Here’s the letter that worked so well for me:

Dear xxxxx,

I received your flyer this morning, thanks and I hope it’s going well for you.

As entrepreneurs we are constantly looking for the next business idea, the next business opportunity that will mean we can at last take things easy, retire those few years earlier or buy that holiday home in the sun.

I have an absolutely solid timetable at the moment with several projects in the pipeline so sadly can’t consider taking on anything else. Anyway, as you are out there doing the business I thought it wouldn’t hurt to send you some information on something different that may well compliment what you’re already doing. Take a look and you’ll understand where my time is taken up … it has exploded!

If you feel it’s for you just give me a call – I’m one of the directors so you’d be getting help right from the top!

Kind regards.

Obviously you’ll need to tweak it but feel free to use it and start hitting those major marketers.