You Don’t Have to Do It All

My advice can be summarized in four words: get some outside help.

Entrepreneurs too often think they can, or must, do everything themselves. It’s a trap. No one can keep up with everything anymore, and even if you could, you need time for yourself, too.

Find an expert who can help you come up with new ideas to leverage what you’re good at, to implement a project, or to branch out in a new direction. The Internet makes it easier than ever to find qualified specialists, and the slower economy means it’s more likely that they are available for short-term projects. I’ve started farming out implementation of the ideas I have simply because I don’t have the time or energy to do them all myself – yet I want to ensure my momentum is always toward growth.

I find my experts by networking. Who do you know that can do the work you need done? What peers know someone who did a great job for them on a similar project? Ask and listen to the answers. Good consultants are always worth more than you pay them, so don’t be afraid to get some recommendations, and get some outside help!

Randy Cassingham