Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Andalusia, Spain, lies one of the world’s most unusual towns – Setenil de las Bodegas. This small municipality of around 3,000 inhabitants is famous for its unique architecture, where many homes and businesses are built directly under massive rock overhangs.
A Town Carved into the Cliffs
What makes Setenil truly extraordinary is how the town has grown out of a network of caves in the mountains. Unlike most Andalusian white towns perched atop hills, Setenil expanded outward from cave dwellings along the Trejo River gorge. Many buildings have simply added façades to the natural rock formations, using the caves as interior spaces[2].
A Long History
While the current town layout dates back to the Moorish period of Andalusia, human habitation in these caves is much older. Archaeological evidence suggests people have lived in these rock shelters for at least 5,000 years, with some estimates dating the first inhabitants to 12,000 years ago during the Stone Age[5].
Natural Climate Control
One of the most remarkable aspects of Setenil’s rock-dwelling lifestyle is the natural climate control it provides. The massive rock overhangs keep homes cool in the scorching Andalusian summers and warm during the winter months. This natural insulation has been a key factor in the town’s continuous habitation over millennia[6].
Exploring Setenil de las Bodegas
For visitors, Setenil offers a unique and fascinating experience. Here are some must-see attractions:
- Calle Cuevas del Sol (Sun Street) and Calle Cuevas de la Sombra (Shade Street): These two main streets run parallel to each other along the river, showcasing the town’s distinctive rock-overhang architecture[2].
- Cave Houses: Some residents allow visitors to peek inside their cave homes for a small fee, offering a glimpse into this unique way of living[3].
- Castle and Mirador: Climb to the ruins of the old Moorish castle for panoramic views of the town and surrounding olive groves[1].
- Cave Bars and Restaurants: Experience dining under the rock in one of the many establishments built into the cliffs[1].
A Living Heritage
Setenil de las Bodegas is more than just a tourist attraction – it’s a living, breathing community where ancient ways of life meet modern conveniences.
Whether you’re a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the unusual, Setenil de las Bodegas offers a one-of-a-kind experience. It’s a place where you can truly say people are “living under a rock” – and thriving while doing so.