Have you ever stopped to think about why some people blindly follow the Bible, no matter how ridiculous or outdated some of its teachings may seem?
It’s a phenomenon that has puzzled many, especially in today’s era of scientific reasoning and critical thinking. Let’s dive into the history and evolution of the Bible, and explore how it has become a tool for governance and control.
The Bible is more than just a sacred text; it’s a collection of myths, stories, and teachings that have been shared across the world for centuries. But how did it come to be the cornerstone of so many people’s lives? And why do some individuals accept its words as absolute truth, regardless of the wealth of contradictory information available?
The Evolution of the Bible
The Bible did not appear overnight; it is a compilation of texts written over several centuries. The Old Testament, for instance, draws heavily from pagan lore and the myths of ancient civilizations. Many of the stories and characters in the Bible have parallels in other ancient cultures, suggesting a shared human experience rather than a unique divine revelation.
For example, the story of Noah’s Ark is eerily similar to the ancient Mesopotamian tale of Gilgamesh, where a great flood destroys the earth and a hero saves his family and animals by building a boat. These similarities highlight that the Bible is not a standalone work, but part of a broader cultural and historical context.
From Myths to Religion
Over time, these stories and myths were developed into a religion, and later, a form of governance and control by the churches. The Bible became a tool for shaping societal norms, moral codes, and even laws. It has, and still is, used as justification for unspeakable atrocities and wholesale wars. In many countries, including the United States, the influence of the Bible on governance is still evident. For instance, in the U.S., there is a long-standing tradition of requiring public officials to swear oaths on the Bible, and some argue that being religious is almost a prerequisite for holding public office.
Blind Obsession and Context
Despite the wealth of information available, many people still cling to the Bible as an infallible source of truth. This blind obsession can lead to some absurd consequences. For example, some people believe in a literal interpretation of the creation story, despite overwhelming scientific evidence supporting evolution. Others use biblical passages to justify discriminatory practices or to oppose scientific advancements.
It’s crucial to look at the Bible in context. Much of its content is rooted in ancient cultures that believed in multiple gods and had different moral standards. For instance, the concept of an eye for an eye was a common legal principle in ancient times, but it’s hardly a moral guideline we would follow today.
I often post in social media groups and occasionally see comments from those who consider the Bible as the ultimate authority. Any question or doubt is met with the simple response, “But the Bible says …”
This is not a valid argument and these people should (I believe) consider the importance of a nuanced view. It’s not about dismissing the Bible; it’s about understanding its historical and cultural context.
For those indoctrinated with a religious biblical upbringing, it’s essential to take a step back and consider the broader picture. The Bible can be a source of comfort, wisdom, and moral guidance, but it should not be the only lens through which we view the world.
The Bible is a complex and multifaceted text that has shaped human history in profound ways. While it contains valuable teachings and stories, it is essential to approach it with a critical perspective. Blindly following its words without context can lead to dogmatic thinking and a lack of understanding of the world around us.